Sunday, March 15, 2015

What's Next || The Watchmen Files || Shades of Reason || Preview

What's Next? Shades of Reason! I haven't decided on a cover yet, even a temporary cover :)

Watchmen rookies Jeremy Stone and Jonas Parker are on their first mission, rescuing teen Ginger Hollens from the black market organization InterTech. But even though it seems mundane, they realize that it's not a coincidence that Ginger's brother works for the legal equal of the illegal group, SuperTech. Meanwhile, the daughter and heiress of the Norris', Briella, is having secret second thoughts about her family business, and befriends Ginger. As bounty hunter brothers Daniel and Victor Shakes add to the group Ginger's siblings Simon and Nora also join forces with Jeremy and Jonas to save her. The group also does not know what Lila and Quentin are truly up to.

~this is not going to be the "final back of the book"~

Character Collage! All new characters, including cameos from Captain Barton and Doctor Kruger! The end will also prelude a coming book, which is really exciting!

"There are many shades of reason." quote

I'm really excited about starting this, I was planning on writing this last summer, but, well, I didn't. So here we go!

I'm curious to see how everyone receives it, and really want your feedback!

Would you read Shades of Reason?

Be a Friend, not an Enemy,



  1. Oh my word, this looks so amazing! Will you be putting a characters page up for this book? :)

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I hope to, but I'm not quite done with it yet :) I should be done soon, though.


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