Friday, September 12, 2014

Friends and Enemies // Is Anyone Still Reading?

Hello again!

   I'm sorry, but I don't have another chapter for you today. I was working on getting a dress from an seller and the chapter completely slipped my mind, though I have been steadily working on certain parts up in my noggin.

   But I do have to ask, is anyone still reading it? I understand if you're put off by the fact that I forget a lot. I have an explanation.

   See, I'm an introvert. And parts of my personality are very easygoing about stuff, and my book is one of them. While D usually more needs to get her chapter up, I'm not bothered as much, because I see it as something there for my enjoyment.

   And I'm more forgetful, I usually remember to work on it on Wednesday, after D's posted her chapter, I'll maybe type a few paragraphs, and try to figure out what's going to happen in that chapter. And then on Thursday, I try to do more. Unfortunately, this school year Thursdays are rather full. We have Art in the mornings, then lunch. Then Choir until Dad gets home, and then we used to go on Date Night with our parents. This year, though, we'll probably be helping in our church's AWANA program, so that's full. So Thursdays are usually not good days for writing for me.

   And then Friday rolls around, and I try to speed-write my chapter to get it up by around 10:00 out time. That's how I usually write. I know it's not very good, but until I find a better system, that's how I roll.

   I still will finish my book, even if no one reads it, but I would still love it if you'd comment and let me know that you read it, and if you don't why you don't :)

   And really, I'm not trying to force you to read my book, I just would like to see who reads :)

Thank you for letting me explain.

Be a Friend, not and Enemy,


Postscript || I hope to begin editing some of the earlier chapters soon, and I'll let you know and repost the links so you can see them when they're improved :)


  1. Hi Willow!
    Yep, I read your book. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting lately, but I've mostly been reading them on my iPod, and I takes a lot more effort to comment. {I have to log in to Google and I guess I don't want to bother. :D} Anyway, Friday is a day I look forward to. It's my electives day at school, plus the last day of the school week, and then there's your book. :D I always look forward to reading one of your amazing cliffhanger {:/ don't enjoy the cliffhangers :D} chapters, and drinking a nice cup of tea. {which I'm doing right now :)} I totally understand about the whole writing predicament. I procrastinate, then I get writers' block. :/ Not good. But I do it anyway, so I haven't been working on my book in . . . 2 weeks maybe? Okay, enough rambling. :) Just wanted to comment and tell you that your book is great, and I can't wait for more. No matter how long it takes. :D


    1. I understand about the commenting. I'm usually on my mom's account when I'm not working on the blog, which is why I don't comment :|

  2. I read your story! I love it! I am always looking forwards to the next chapter. I completely understand how you aren't always able to get a chapter up, life happens.

  3. Hey, I've been really busy with school lately but I do try each chapter:) Really, I have choir on Thursdays also=D

    1. Thank you Sarah. Really, what part do you sing?

    2. Sorry for not seeing this comment until now. Oops. Well, I normally sing soprano and melody. Occasionally I'll be put on alto. It varies:)

  4. I'm still reading! I love your stories. :)

    1. I don't think I've seen you comment before, hello :) And thank you!

  5. I read it! Sometimes. But I check it often. :D
    Over at my blog ( I've been wondering the same things and I have been having the same troubles- especially with school starting. But don't worry, surely there is always someone ;-)

    God Bless,
    <3 Jesus was my first love <3

    1. I don't think I've seen you comment before, hello :) Thank you!

  6. I was trying to read D's and yours, but I got really busy so, I'll try to catch up sometimes when I'm not doing stuff. :)


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