Saturday, March 23, 2013

Locked Away: Willow's Journal

So I'm trying out her 'link up' thing, and thought I'd do this one of 'me' writing in my journal right after this new story we're developing, based on a movie. See if you can figure it out ;)
Here's the link to Storyteller's post.

10th of December: 2012 {Veil {Earth} Years}

Dear Journal,
   I miss them. I can't help it. It's been five months since we last saw them. We departed suddenly, without the chance to say goodbye. I can't talk to anyone about this unexpected journey. No one understands the depth of connection I feel to that world. The only ones who seem to are the rest of the Four.
   I don't know why I miss them so much. They were noisy, and downright stubborn. But they were wonderful. They encouraged you. Looked after you as if you were their own. They protected you. I miss them so much. My heart aches because I miss them so much. Warren tells me I need to get a grip on reality. We might never go back. We might never see them ever again. Except in heaven {most of them anyway}. But that's what I believe we are called to do with some of them. To tell them of truth. Veritas. To tell them of the Way. Via. To lead them to life. Vita. I will try to remember that as I long to go back. I know that they would not want me to be sad. But they would want me to carry on, until we go back again. I will. I must.
For the Way of Truth and Life,
~Willow Elvish-grace

{P.S. not in the journal entry, but here's another hint!}

{P.P.S. Vote on my poll on the sidebar!}