Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just a Quick Note. . .

. . . that I'm changing the third chapter of Friends and Enemies from Essgarothe to Secrets, Traitors and Rings. I will be posting some photo ideas for it soon as well.
   The fourth chapter, though, will probably/most likely be Essgarothe {pronounced ess-gair-rothe} depending on the ending of the 3rd chapter.

For the record, I made that quote up myself.


  1. I love that last picture Willow. I found it on Pinterest too and am using it for one of my stories (picture without the quote of course) ;) Keep writing girl! Love your stories.

  2. Love that last picture! I found it on Pinterest (without your quote of course), and am using it in one of my story boards A Kingdom Upon A Hill. Keep writing girl! I love your stories ;)

  3. I love that last picture Willow. I found it on Pinterest too and am using it for one of my stories (picture without the quote of course) ;) Keep writing girl! Love your stories.


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