Monday, June 24, 2013

// Chapter Writing Promise // by Willow //

"A what?" you say

"a writing promise" I tell you

"what's that?" you say

"I promise to write a chapter a week" I tell you

"wow" you say

"I know" I tell you

"good luck" you say

"there is no such thing as luck" I tell you

I know, not as cool as Storyteller's. But so-so if you ask me.
But it is true. I am making a writing promise. 
By this time next week you should be able to read the next chapter of Friends and Enemies.
Crazy, I know. But I also know that it will take me a hundred years to finish that book if I don't crank out a chapter a week. So prepare yourself.


-Catch you later-



  1. ❥ R-really? This is wonderful!!

    ❥ The poem's NOT so-so! It's simply fabulous, and I really, really like it. {Do more!}

    ❥ *preparing myself* eeekk!! More Friends & Enemies!! :D YAYYYY!!!

    ❥...that picture <3 is beautiful...the wise! L. O. V. E.

    I love you + your blogs!



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