Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Watchmen Files // Calling On All Readers!

Hey everyone!

   It's me, Darrion!

   I've got something special for you this week...

   Why the picture? Because I don't know what else to do, and I needed to grab your attention. And it's kind of funny... I mean, just look at his expression?

   Anyhow, right now, I'm typing this post on my Dad's laptop. Why? Because our home computer, the one that I write my chapters on, has passed on. It is dead. A short power outage took it in the end. It had a good, long, often going out on us, life. Seriously, it's really, really old in computer years. Not like a old white box, but it's still old.

   So we will hopefully be getting a new one sometime real soon! I'm excited about that.

   But I did not finish my chapter this week, with the computer setback and all. So we have no chapter. But I think that this is good in a way, since this is a important turning point in the story, and I have to have time to work on it. I may even have to split it up into two chapters in the end...

   Anyway, I've got something else for you today! Please, don't leave, this is a very important question I must ask all of my readers. I need your opinion for this!

   But I'll get to that in a second :) I want to show you some things that remind me of this story...

 This makes me think for Mason and Duke. Duke thinks Mason's an idiot and a Hydra, and Mason thinks Duke's a snob and a bully. Which, incidentally, he is.

 Oh look, something for Conner. Now note, he's not actually British. He just became an American citizen. His mum was British, but his dad was Scottish/Irish, and they live in Ireland with their daughter, Bernadette, Conner's younger sister. Conner picked up his mum's accent while they (him and his sister) were being homeschooled.

More for Conner

And you can guess who this is for

First chapter. Mason. Nuff said.

I know, it's kinda mean. But still!

   Okay, back to the problem. Our problem. The final problem (the Sherlockian strikes again!).

   You see, I am going to write a special. A holiday special. At the moment, it is titled, 'The Watchmen Files: A Holiday Special: The Christmas Addition'. I may come up with a better name for it sometime soon. It will hopefully be 12 chapters long or less, and I would posted a chapter a day until Christmas day (or eve, I'm not sure yet).

   Great! But what's the question here?

   Well, I don't think I'll be able to finish the first file before Christmas. Big roadblock. So what am I going to do?

   That is the question! There are two solutions.

   Option one:

   If you, my faithful readers, would like to read it Christmas week, a chapter a day, then that is what I'll do. I would, in that case, have to tell some spoilers for book one. Spoilers! I can't believe myself. Tell you what's going to happen before I write it? What's the fun in that?

   Or option two:

    I wait to post it until after I finish the first file (which will be sometime after Christmas). That way, you've read all about what happened for yourself, and I don't have to tell you. Spoilers are gone. But it would be after the Christmas season, which isn't as cool.

   Or for you who would prefer option two you could just wait to read it after I'm finished with the first file, then find it here on the blog.

Well, this is your call, people! Please, comment bellow either on Blogger or on Pinterest. Tell me what you think, or if any other family members or friends read it, tell me what they think also! And tell me why you think so. Is it because you'd rather just wait to know everything? Or because you want it in the Christmas spirit?

I need your opinion, and I'll tally up the votes next week. How about that? What will it be? I'm curious to see :)


Postscript // Note from Willow // I will try to have my next chapter up by Friday, but as D said, our computer is toast at the moment. So the only times I have to work on F&E are in my noggin and on this laptop when Dad comes home. Argenzee!! Okay, whatever. Btw, I'm sure Ammelia will have her next chapter up next Monday. She was really busy this week. -Willow


  1. I really really like The Watchmen and so do two of my siblings. I'm checking all Wednesday to see if it's up yet. I don't mind spoilers. When I read books, I always read the ending before I'm halfway done. But I don't mind if you finish the first file. I think having the holiday special would be really neat.

    1. So what do your siblings think? Every reader counts! Oh that's bad of you :) JK, JK. I understand what that's like. Willow get's all miffed if I skip anything in books. So... um, so you're voting option one or two?

    2. Rebekah, you are just like my mm :)

    3. Mary(Mary B) already commented. My brother wouldn't mind spoilers at all. He wanted me to tell him everything before he read all the chapters written so far. I vote option one.

    4. Mary commented after I did. :) My brother won't mind the spoilers at all. He won't mind spoilers. He wanted me to tell him everything about the Watchmen before he read the chapter up so far. :) I vote for option one for both of us.:)

    5. Okay, thanks for clearing that up! I'll add to votes, then :) I didn't know Mary was your sister! That's cool :)

  2. That is a hard question....I say do it but I won't read it until after the first The Watchman Files.

    1. Okay, cool. I'll add your vote...

    2. btw I am Rebekah's (Bekah's) sister, one of the ones in out family that reads you story. :-) So you already know what I think of it. :-D

    3. Oh, I didn't know she was your sister! That's cool :) That explains the last name and all. Man, you'd think I could put two and two together by now...

  3. I started reading your story about a week ago, and I just wanted to say I really like it so far; I think the characters have a bit to do with that, but it's also very well done. :) I had a question that I meant to ask, and I don't remember if I did or not (I'm really forgetful sometimes). Do you like answering questions?
    Also, I think it would be awesome to have Option One! :) I would love reading some everyday!
    ~Darlwyn Hobart

    1. Thank you, Darwyn! Cool name, by the way :) Is it pronounced kind of like Arwen from LotR? So you like that characters... which ones, may I ask?
      Nope, questions are fine! If something is confusing, I'll do my beast to answer... but if something is a spoiler or will come out later in the book, I'm afraid I can't answer those kinds.
      Option one! Okay, I'll add that to my mental list...

  4. The "Darl" In it is pronounced like the "darl" in "darling", if that makes any sense, and "wyn" is just "win". It's a name my brother made up from me a while ago which is quite similar to my real name.
    My question:
    How do you make the chapter/book covers?
    I like Conner, Mason, Jason, and Sven, so far. Also Ava, and the twins. :)
    Thanks for responding!
    ~Darlwyn Hobart

    1. Okay, I get it :) Nice name! Sorry about this, but I'm just bad with pronunciations. I often go for half of a book without knowing how to say the main character's name. I just skip over it and call him what's-his-name. I've seriously got to work on that...
      Willow and I both edit our chapter and book covers on an editing site called www.PicMonkey.com. It's easy, and most of it's free! If yo want a certain way of editing, you have to upgrade, and that costs money. But we (Willow and I) haven't done that, because the free way suits us just fine. I hope that helps :)

    2. I never get pronounciations right either, that's why I love it when a book includes a pronounciation page! Thanks for answering, too. I'm sure it will help a lot!

  5. That is a terribly hard question. And you know why? Because I want you to finish the first file but I want to read the Holiday Special. So I'd say...hmmm...maybe you could do the Holiday special, except every Wednesday you posted File one. If that wouldn't be to confusing I think you should do it.
    BTW, Are you going to have a blog dedicated to the Holiday Special so Willow and Ammelia can keep up their weekly schedule?

    1. Yep, I think that's what I'll end up doing. If someone doesn't want spoilers, I guess they can wait to read it until the first file is finished. But I may not have time to continue to write a chapter a week with the first file, since I will be preoccupied with the holiday special and Christmas itself. I will do the best I can to keep up, though :)
      Um... no, I don't think we'll make a whole other blog for specials. We don't have enough of them to make a new blog. I'll just post it here, I think.

  6. I think the holiday special sounds amazing! I vote that! I mean, if that's cool with you, Darrion! ;) I'd love to read that, it sounds amazing! :D

    1. Okay, so you want me to post it... I'll add that. Thanks, Meg! :)

  7. Oh you're welcome! :D I can't wait to read it! It sounds stupendous! You're a great writer, Darrion!


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